After the devastating bushfires of 2019/2020 local young people want support to overcome their trauma and create their own better future.
A collective of local services have partnered to address this by providing programs, activities, and services to local young people aged 12 to 25 years where they live, study and work.
Gippsland Youth Spaces Inc. takes its minibus dubbed by local youth “Catch the YOWIE – Youth On Wheels In East Gippsland,” equipped with resources and experienced staff to support the delivery of services to improve the mental health and wellbeing, resilience, and community connectedness of local young people through various programs including pop up and drop in, pathway projects, school holiday programs, school outreach programs, and offers leadership opportunities via its Youth Programs Committee.
Gippsland Youth Spaces Inc. is excited to be settling into its new youth space in Bairnsdale, 261 Main Street, Bairnsdale – the old fire station, and are currently running a youth group on Thursday afternoons.
To find out more contact program officers Kelly Jones or Callie Youngs (details via Bairnsdale Advertiser office).