Hundreds of people flocked to events across the region at the weekend, celebrating the beginning of the East Gippsland Winter Festival.
The rain ceased for the launch of Laneway3875 on Friday night in Bairnsdale, where hundreds saw the culmination of the hard work and dedication mural artists have put in over the previous months, creating incredible stories on the walls.
Artists and real estate agents, members of chambers of commerce and marketing groups, and everyone in between joined together – and after the apartness of COVID restrictions it was good to be around people – admiring lights and art.
At the official launch, co-organiser and East Gippsland Marketing board member, Adam Bloem, spoke of his aim to showcase East Gippsland’s “world class food, wine, creative talent and rich cultural assets”.
“We were smashed by the fires – 30,000 people evacuated due to them.
“But as bad as they were, they also shone a light on East Gippsland and our people.
“If ever there was a time to have a festival to bring us all together this was it, and what a team I found to work with and make it happen.”
IMAGE: East Gippsland Winter Festival co-organiser, Adam Bloem, in Laneway3875 on Friday night where hundreds of people attended the first event of the festival. PHOTO: Lauren Anderson Photography.