A group of Granite Rock residents who live in the vicinity of the Bairnsdale Speedway are opposing an East Gippsland Shire planning permit to construct a new driver training and burnout pad.
The $270,000 proposal includes a 50m x 35m concrete training pad which is 150mm thick and includes 40MPA reo construction. It would be situated inside the current speedway track.
A decision on the application will not come before January 16. Objections can be made up until an official decision is made.
The objections are wide-ranging, from concerns about noise to smoke pollution, as well as disturbing nearby adjoining properties classed as Residential Rural/Rural Lifestyle and the increasing number of housing developments which have grown closer to the speedway site. Some have suggested the shire is eager to move the Gippsland Motorplex burnout pad off its own land at the Bairnsdale Aerodrome as it will soon undergo an expansion. They claim the shire has a conflict of interest and any decision should be made by an independent body.
The proposed driver training pad will be utilised by:
– Emergency services where it can act as a helipad for emergency situations, as it meets helipad specifications
– Emergency meeting location for Emergency Services in times of natural disasters and meets the required criteria as a designated meeting point
– Driver training for community groups, corporations and schools
– CFA and SES driver training and activity training facility
– Staging strip
– Burnout pad
– Community engagement events
– Car clubs and motor enthusiast’s clubs to meet and exhibit the performance of their vehicles
– Provide a safe and supervised location for motor enthusiasts and driver training
Some of the comments from those objecting include:
– “I am completely opposed to it being moved to the Bairnsdale Speedway site as I have a house on the property that I and my extended family use on a regular basis.”
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– “We are happy with the Bairnsdale Speedway meetings as they are at present as they were there when I purchased the property in 1979.”
– “Any changes to the Bairnsdale Speedway site should not be allowed and if they want to change the way this site is used, they should move from their present site to an area that does not disturb local residents.”
– “The land that I purchased over 20 years ago which joins the corner of the Bairnsdale Speedway is classed as 117 Residential Rural/Rural Lifestyle.”
– “This is an area that should not have a burnout pad, this is what it is, no matter how it described, with the noise and the smoke disrupting my family’s quiet residential rural lifestyle.”
– “The pollution and noise associated with doing burnouts is totally unacceptable to me and my family. I have worked this land over the years without using chemicals as the owners before me have done. Now the Bairnsdale Speedway wants to take all this hard work away from me by polluting the area with rubber, oil and all sorts or toxic chemicals.”
– “This decision needs to be made by an independent body to get a fair outcome for all.”
– “My family and I have tolerated the speedway as it was there when we purchased the land, the Bairnsdale Speedway has really not changed over the years, but wanting to change it now, for a different use, we believe that the Bairnsdale Speedway needs to be relocated to another non-residential location further out of town as the town is moving out this way. eg: Brookfield development on the Great Alpine Road (Lucknow Hill) and new houses on land subdivided on the Great Alpine Road, Bairnsdale side of Deptford Road.”
Council says it is open to the concerns raised by some community members regarding the proposal to move Gippsland Motorplex to the Bairnsdale Speedway complex at Granite Rock.
“The Motorplex’s lease at Bairnsdale Airport has concluded, and the land is required for the future development of the airport, including an extended runway. This development is essential for supporting vital medical transfer, emergency response, and other aviation services critical to our region,” General Manager Assets and Environment Stuart McConnell said.
“We are supporting the Motorplex in identifying a new location. The Bairnsdale Speedway was proposed as an option by the Gippsland Motorplex and Bairnsdale Speedway Association organisations, given the potential benefits of co-locating motorsport activities. The project is being led by the speedway.
“We are listening to those in the community who have raised concerns about emissions such as noise and smoke. The planning application for the project is yet to be assessed against the Environmental Protection Authority’s requirements. Additionally, the potential impact of increased noise at nearby residential properties will be considered as part of council’s assessment process.
“Our Planning Department provides an independent assessment of planning permit applications.
“In terms of community consultation, we required notification to all property owners who share a boundary with the speedway site and those directly opposite.
“Also, due to the potential impact on property owners further afield, the application was advertised in the Bairnsdale Advertiser for the past three editions. It is also published on our website. This provides the opportunity for the entire community to be informed of the proposal. We also extended the minimum notice period because of the Christmas break.”