International organist Christopher Trikilis is returning for Pipe Organ Music and Events Group’s (POMEG) next concert on Sunday, September 15.
Guests can celebrate the fact Chris is prepared to travel from Brisbane, where he is organist and director of music at The Cathedral of St Stephen, to perform another concert on Bairnsdale’s splendid pipe organ.
Having previously given concerts on this instrument, he is complimentary of its quality, breadth of sound and versatility.
The audiences of Chris’s previous concerts have loved what they have heard.
Further, his warm and personal approach adds a great deal to his skilled and highly professional performance.
Having played in America, Europe and New Zealand as well as extensively across Australia, Chris will give an East Gippsland audience an equal experience of his expertise and ability to produce the best sound from the organ upon which he is performing, as he does wherever he plays in the world.
The concert’s program includes wonderful music from different centuries, written by well known composers of organ music, including the German JS Bach and
Frenchmen Dubois and Boellman, for organs of varying fame and configuration.
There are melodies here with which you will be familiar and some which are sure to have special individual appeal.
Go and enjoy Christopher Trikilis’ exceptional playing, his musicality and his warm personality, and give yourself a musical treat to feel your spirits soar.
Mark the concert’s date, Sunday, September 15, 1.30pm (an earlier starting time) in your calendar.
It is at Bairnsdale Uniting Church, corner of Great Alpine Road and Lanes Road, Lucknow. Pay at the door. Tea and coffee will be available during interval.
For school students the concert is free.