The 2024/25 round of the Community Bank – Paynesville and District ‘Community Investment program’ has seen 14 local community groups, organisations and sporting clubs share in around $375,000 worth of grants and sponsorships to support local events and activities in the Paynesville area.
The Community Bank Paynesville has provided local sponsorship to: Paynesville RSL Anzac Day Gunfire Breakfast; Paynesville Cricket Club; Paynesville Volunteer Coast Guard; Paynesville Business & Tourism Association – Music Festival; Paynesville Sea Scouts – Australia Day Awards; Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre; Newlands Arm Residents & Ratepayers Association; Paynesville Bowls Club; Bairnsdale Golf Club; Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club.
And through funding invested in the Community Enterprise Foundation, the branch has provided grants to the following: Koalas of Raymond Island; Paynesville Carols by Candlelight; Paynesville Volunteer Coast Guard; Paynesville Lions Club; St Peters by the Lake; Paynesville RSL.
Over the past 19 years, Community Bank Paynesville and District has reinvested over $1,000,000 back into the local community and every customer of the branch helps to do this.
The more the branch grows, the more funds they are able to use for their Community Investment program. This is how Community Banks across Australia are able to give back to their local communities, and support projects that may not have been financially viable without the support of their local Community Bank.