Gippsland Critical Minerals (GCM) has refuted claims made in the Bairnsdale Advertiser by Minefree Glenaladale that there has been no community consultation between the mining organisation and the community group.
“Last year, our new CEO, Michelle Wood, sought to meet representatives from Minefree Glenaladale to hear their views and establish a dialogue on the Fingerboards Project, which is currently being rescoped. Regrettably, Minefree Glenaladale has so far not accepted an invitation to meet with us,” GCM said in a statement.
“While we respect their views about the project, it is misleading for Minefree Glenaladale to raise concerns about a lack of consultation.
“Other community members have been open to meeting us, with many voicing their support for the project and the jobs and economic activity the Fingerboards Project will bring to East Gippsland.”
GCM said it’s currently in the process of establishing a Community Reference Group (CRG) for the project and is inviting applications, which close on January 31.
“The aim is to bring together a diverse and community-focused group to constructively participate in shaping the Fingerboards Project and how the mine can benefit the future of the region.
“It is clear, as part of our license renewal announced in October 2024 and the Victorian Critical Minerals Roadmap released in December, that community engagement is critically important to successful projects.
“Critical minerals projects are vital to the Victorian economy, including the provision of skilled job opportunities in the East Gippsland economy, and to Australia’s strategic interest in securing the supply of minerals and rare earth required in renewable technologies, computing, advanced medical equipment and defence industries.
“In all our communication, we have emphasised our commitment to engagement.
“In the coming months, we will be sharing more information with the community as we complete the initial work on a rescoped project and progress environmental and technical studies.
“You will understand the importance of having detailed and accurate information on the project to share with the community. We will release details on our engagement and work program timetable in the coming weeks.”