Work on the Omeo Mountain Bike Track has stalled due to a disgruntled grazier lodging an application with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) objecting to the impact the project will have on his land.
East Gippsland Shire Council, who is developing the track on behalf of the Omeo community, earlier this year approved the project’s planning permit and awarded a contract for the construction of the trails.
However, the planning approval process cannot not be completed while the matter is before VCAT.
It effectively means construction of the trails cannot start until the VCAT matter has been resolved.
While a preliminary hearing involving the parties with an interest in the matter was held last month, a final hearing isn’t scheduled until mid November this year.
Charles Connley is the local grazier who has taken the matter to VCAT.
IMAGE: Omeo grazier, Charles Connley, has taken the East Gippsland Shire Council to VCAT over the mountain bike track plans. K347–6605 (2020)